Dennis heads over to lend an ear and being the guitar tech for System of a Down he knows a thing or two about guitars more than us. So we spend some time fine tuning the tone for the rhythms and choosing the right guitar and amp/cab combination before laying anything down.
Everyone pitches in re-stringing the vintage guitars Ken has for us. He also has a stack of amps for us to choose from and play with... including Fletcher's JCM Marshall Slash head which was given to him by Brett Gueritz of Bad Religion/Epitaph for his birthday, and Fletcher's Crate stage amp.
We settle for a Vintage les Paul through a Slash JCM head and Marshall Cabinet for the majority of the rhythms. Kev ploughes through the majority of the guitar tracks in between minor drum glitches we find in editing.
Jon becomes Guitar tech 2
Dennis & Kev Experimenting with the rack
Kev laying the riffs